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1600tutor was founded with the belief that students do best when working with tutors who see themselves as coaches and mentors.

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Most of our tutors have graduated from high school within the past four years and vividly remember what it takes to do well both in school and in the college admissions process. We not only seek to guide our students with their schoolwork and college applications, but to also help them manage their stress levels so they can stay calm and focused throughout high school.


We strive to help our students develop not just the specific skills needed, but also the motivation and energy so they perform at their peak level while keeping their stress levels low.​


All our tutors have scored in the 99th percentile in either the ACT or SAT, and have all been admitted to or are attending highly selective colleges. If you fit this profile and would like to be considered for a tutor role, email your information to or through the Contact Us page on this website.


1600tutor was started in 2020 by Matthew Allana, who scored a perfect 1600 on the SAT.  A U.S. Presidential Scholar, Coolidge Senator, and president of his senior class, Matthew received early admission to Harvard in December 2019. He decided to take a gap year during which time, in addition to starting 1600tutor, he worked on Gov. Hickenlooper's winning campaign for the US Senate seat from Colorado, and interned in the strategy department of an ad agency, doing work for clients including Google, Princess Cruises and Walmart. Matthew started at Harvard in the fall of 2021 and continues to coach a number of middle and high-school students.

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